Hi-Target Mobile Mapping System make its first appearance in India

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Hi-Target launched its first Mobile Mapping System live demo tour from May 4th to June 4th 2017 in India. As one of the biggest developing country has a boundless appetite for infrastructure construction especially highroad construction.  


Hi-Target MMS in India


The requirement of India’s highway expansion with an accuracy of less than 2cm, high-precision equipment HiScan-S mobile mapping system by Hi-Target can meet the need.


HiScan-S high accuracy mobile mapping system configs single Z+F 9012 scanner which scanning frequency up to 1,01 million points/per second make the point cloud data high density. Seamlessly intergrated high performance IMU/GNSS make position high accuracy can reach 1-2cm that is enough to meet the needs of India highway reconstruction and expansion.


Apart from data accuracy, high-efficiency operating software, post-data processing in Hi-Target Mobile Mapping System HiScan-S also made a great impression. 


Hi-Target Mobile Mapping System in India


In large scale project, data collecting by traditional devices like total station and GNSS receiver is point by point 1500 points one day while laser scanner can collect almost one million points per second including all element data which can be used in almost every application. 


Hi-Target Mobile Mapping System make its first appearance in India


“We look forward to expanding our solutions portfolio with Hi-Target HiScan-S Mobile Mapping System, a newer technology that allows us to provide cutting edge services to our customers,” said Luke, Sales Manager at Hi-Target. “1.01 million points collected by Hi-Target HiScan-S Mobile Mapping System per second will reduce our time on site and make work simpler.”

