Hi-Target Mobile Mapping System Launch

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With 5 years’ R&D Investment, now Hi-Target Mobile Mapping System is launched to the international market.

Hi-Target Mobile Mapping System Launch will be held in April 28th, Hong Kong, China. Join us to celebrate and appreciate our new products, and explore how it will change the way of surveying and mapping.

Expecting what we will have in market soon!


Hi-Target iScan-V

Integrated Mobile Mapping System with Laser Scanners, Inertial Measurement Unit, Distance Measurement Instrument on a mobile platform to acquire accurate and precise spatial data.

1. Highly integrated all sensors

2. High efficiency, 700000 points per second

3. Full calibrated from factory, no need to calibrate

4. Easy to be mounted on any vehicle

5. Standard point cloud and image format provided


Application in:

3D Street View, GIS Mapping and Asset Management, Surveying in Open-Pit Mining, Topography, Urban Management, Smart City, Emergency Rescue etc.
